Recent projects (Python)

CSV Batcher

Scaling vertically with CSVs and/or Pandas

A lightweight, python-based, multi-process CSV batcher suitable for use with Pandas dataframes, as a standalone tool, or other tools that deal with large CSV files (or files that require timely processing).

Python Arango Object Graph Model

This is built on top of python-arango. Capabilities include model-like access to graph objects, and a migration mechanism that generates migrations from your defined models; similar to how Django builds its migrations. This is somewhat a work-in-progress as I integrate it back into the closed-source project from which it was extracted.

Python Bunny MQ

Python-based package that implements a no-dependency, ultra-lightweight intra-process message queue. This works inside a single process. This is useful when you need a lightweight pub-sub system. For example, the author is using it in development to send message to local handlers. These handlers are ultimately deployed to AWS and are invoked as a lambda function via SQS, so the dev-time “bunny-mq” will not be used.

Previous Projects


RubyFann, or “ruby-fann” is a Ruby Gem (no Rails required) that binds natively to FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) from within a ruby/rails environment. FANN is a is a free native open source neural network library, which implements multilayer artificial neural networks, supporting both fully-connected and sparsely-connected networks. It is easy to use, versatile, well documented, and fast. RubyFann makes working with neural networks a breeze using ruby, with the added benefit that most of the heavy lifting is done natively.



A★ pathfinding in Unity 3D via AutoWaypoints. This was part of a Unity game that didn’t make it to market. Since Unity now has pathfinding built-in, we are open-sourcing this for posterity.


See other open-source; some now defunct/deprecated, on github.